We at Sutherlands Property Management have complied a short list of common areas in leasing a home through our agency. This will ensure a peaceful and comfortable tenancy throughout the duration of the occupancy of the home. If there is an area not covered in this information then contact our office to discuss the matter.

Office Hours/Appointment

If it is necessary for you to visit our office you are required to make an appointment beforehand. This will ensure the right person is available when you come in.

Rental Payments

Rent is paid fortnightly in advance via BPAY or direct deposit. This process will be arranged at the time of signing the lease documents.

Receipts will be held at our office for collection by the tenant. Any costs charged by your bank will be payable by you. Should a rental payment be dishonoured any costs incurred will be responsiblity of the tenant.

"Rent in Advance" Definition

This is for a period of time you are ABOUT to use. E.G.  Before you move into the property you have been asked to pay “2 weeks rent in advance”. Then you move into the property you use up the 2 week rent in advance then you pay another 2 weeks rent and so on. If you wish to pay the rent weekly you then must pay rent the week after you move in to maintain the fortnight in advance.

Rent Arrears

At Sutherlands we have a very strict policy of “Zero Rent Arrears”. Should you choose not to make rental payments in accordance with the tenancy agreement then this will have an overall effect on the tenancy as well as future rental references. If you are experiencing difficulties contact our office immediately to discuss this with us.

Maintenance - Routine/Urgent

Unless an urgent repair is required (refer to RTA Form 17A Information Statement) all maintenance must be received in writing and must accompany a signed Privacy Acknowledgement.

Click here to let us know what needs to be repaired

Entry Conditions Reports

Before the tenancy commences a thorough inspection has been carry out and a comprehensive Entry Condition Report completed. At the time of signing the lease agreement you will be provided with a copy of this report for your comments.

To ensure there will be a smooth transition when you vacate the property it is essential that you complete and return your copy within three (3) business days. If we do not receive your copy within this time it is deemed you accept the home as per the condition report signed at the time the lease documents were completed and that report will be used upon your vacation.

Routine Inspections

Inspections are conducted quarterly. You will receive written notification at least 9 days prior to the inspection date. Use this as an opportunity to spring clean the property every 4 months.

"Clean" Defination

If a mark or stain can be removed by using a product or a cloth/machine then it can be (and must be)cleaned. This will ensure the property is being well maintained during the tenancy and will have an effect on future tenancies being offered. It will also have an effect on future rental references required.


If locks have been changed or installed at any time during tenancy a copy must be provided to Sutherlands Property Management for emergency purposes.

Lease Renewals

You will be contacted approximately sixty (60) days prior to the end of the fixed term to ascertain your intentions.

Note*  the decision to renew a tenancy is typically based on how the tenancy has been conducted with special attention to Routine Inspections and punctual rent payments.

Water Charges

If the property is water efficient and the tenancy agreement indicates either full or partial water charges an invoice will be sent for the correct period of occupancy. This invoice is due within thirty (30) days from the issue date. Water charges is calculated at the rate set by your local Council Water Board (If you are not sure who that is, just ask!) and may vary or increase without prior notice.

Terminating A Tenancy

Fourteen (14) days written notice prior to vacation is required in the form of a Notice of Intention to Leave. This only applies should the notice be received on or before the end date of the agreement

You can download a Form 13 by clicking the link.

You will receive written confirmation and a final inspection guide to maximise bond refund.

Rent to Vacate Date

Is payable up until the day all keys and remotes are delivered to our office.

Terminating A Fixed Tenancy

Sutherlands Property Management Group will assist tenants who find it necessary to break the agreement prior to the end date of the fixed term.

You will receive written confirmation and a final inspection guide to vacate the property. Be aware there are charges involved in terminating the tenancy early that must be paid prior to advertising the property for rent.

You can download a Form 13_Break Lease by clicking the link.


Pets are only permitted on the property if stated on the tenancy agreement. This is strictly adhered to.

Should you wish to have a pet after approval/tenancy you must first seek the Owner’s approval prior to allowing a pet onto the property by completing a Pet Application. Once approval has been received you will be required to sign the Pet Assignment Clause for responsibilities with having a pet at the property.


It is the tenants responsibility to take out a policy that covers personal contents to be housed at the property.

Parking of Cars

Do not park cars on lawns, grass verges or gardens.