Why should I get a building inspection report on my investment property?

At Sutherlands Property Management Group we recommend to our investor clients to consider obtaining a building inspection report on their investment property as an extension of our routine inspections.

Our Regular Routine report on the tenants care and maintenance of your Gold Coast investment property and to detail any suggested preventative maintenance. As detailed (and awesome) as our routine inspection reports are, we are not qualified building inspectors, a building inspection report will detail preventative maintenance required from a builders perspective together with an estimate of cost. A building inspector will also advise if your property meets the constantly changing building compliance standards, particularly decking, stairs and hand rails which are fast becoming peak areas of litigation against property owners.

Our recommendation to undertake such a report is to minimise the potential of legal action being taken against you in the event of an accident, but it also helps to predetermine future costs and may also save you money by highlighting areas of preventative maintenance that, if done in the short term can save a major expense in the future.

The team at Sutherlands Property Management Group HQ believes a building inspection report is a modest cost compared to the cost of potential litigation or major repairs.

Our trademark OnTrack system allows the our team manage and maximize you property investments.
Make a positive change for your Gold Coast investment property contact us today 07 5535 8857